Monday 6 October 2008

Save Earth

Tips to Save Earth:

1. Copy and print on both sides of paper.

2.Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.

3.Use Emails more to communicate...send e-wishes instead of cards.

4.Use recycled paper.

5.Use discarded paper for scrap paper.

6.Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.

7.Use water bottles instead of "Packaged Water ".

8.Drink water instead of aerated water.

9.Shut off lights,fans and computer in the evening when you leave from work.

10. shut off lights, fans, tv

Three books on India I should read

1. Everybody loves a good draught - P.Sainath

2.In the name of democracy -Bipan Chandra

3.Tamas -Bhisham Sahni

Sunday 5 October 2008

Politics and Religion

Today in every newspaper the headlines some how relate to the brutual tension , which prevails between various religious groups.It seems religion and politics have been tightly interwined and their separation tantamounts to the separation of blood and body. It was due to this notion that Gandhiji called politics without religion a dirty game. Swami Vivekananda had also considered religion as the core of politics. All the religion whether Hinduism , Islam , Sikhism, Christianity or Bhudhism, all of these prove that some wheere or other religion and politics are tightly coupled.
But religion is a personal affair that should not have anything to do with public matters including politics. Man has made religion in order to develop discipline and also to satiate his spiritual needs. Any religion that gives birth to riots and violence cannot be a religion. Religion cannot exist without people. But ironically, man has been exploiting religion to reap political harvest to inject venom and to divide the people. The religion-politics relationship poses no threat to a country's polity as long as politics does not use religion and vice versa. Unfortunately our country witnesses both of them. Today, politics has been religionised and religion has been politicised. Thus a religion-politics collusion is taking place.
What can be done to segregate these two , so that both religion and politics exist rightly together but not harming any innocent civilian. At this moment of time I can't think of any way.
The only way according to me is 'lets bury all the mishaps which happened earlier , lets erase all the hatred from our minds and lets start a new phase ,a new society which will have only one thing to share, love. Only one thing to distribute love. A totally new society where no religious group can enter into politics.
Can we create such a society anytime?It still remains a Herculean task. It requires statesmanship, unbending moral stand, dynamic leadership and above all indomitable will to take up all the communal bulls by their horns. Let us all strive to maintain a balance between religion and politics and help in the progress of our country.