Thursday 26 June 2014

What is HTML 5 - 1

HTML 5 is a hyper text language which  can deliver content  rich in media without the need for additional plugins. With HTML 5 we no more required adobe flash player to play an audio or video content if your browser is HTML 5 compatible.

HTML 5 can be used to do  animations , graphics, play music and movies, and can also be used to build complicated business specific web applications.

The best thing about HTML 5 is it is platform independent , it works equally well in a web page on a desktop , tablet , Smartphone as well as a smart TV.

HTML 5 has introduced new tags  for media , apis for geolocation and storage which makes the developers task easy to manage in next few articles we will see in detail of HTML 5.

Monday 23 June 2014

Configure your Visual Studio 2010 for HTML 5 and CSS3 development

The world is quickly adopting to HTML 5.
Visual Studio 2010 was not built to embrace HTML 5. But if you installed Visual Studio 2010 in your system then you can quickly start working on HTML 5.

To configure your Visual Studio development settings to use the new standard do the following:

1. In Visual Studio 2010 go to Tools-->Options.
2. Go to Text Editor node in the left --> Choose HTML --> Choose Validation

3. In the target drop down menu choose HTML 5 and viola . You are ready to build HTML 5 based sites.

4. Now although when you add a new HTML page , you will see the old Doc Type tag in the page.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

5. But now you can have see the new tags of HTML 5 like footer , video , audio etc appearing on the page.

6. You will now get a set of CSS 3 features as well.  Although you won't get all the CSS 3 features.

So , you can start working with HTML 5 with Visual Stdio 2010. To use all the features of HTML 5 and CSS 3 use VS2012/VS2013.