Saturday 9 June 2012

What is cloud Computing

Cloud is a computing model provisioning web-based software, middleware and computing resources on demand.

What is cloud Computing Simple explanation

A very good introduction to cloud computing from SalesForce
A really liked this. Awesome.

It is basically technology as a service it consists of three things:

  • IaaS : Infrastructure as a service
  • PasS : Platform as a service
  • SaaS : Software as a service

SaaS,PassS,Iaas Expalined Better : Explaining Computers

The key components of cloud solution are:

  • Virtualised computing
  • Virtualised Storage
  • Virtualised Connectivity

Benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • By deploying in cloud you give users access only to the resources they need for a particular task.This prevents you from paying idle computing resources.
  • Cloud provides self-service capability to internal business units and outside customers.
  • In a cloud computing environment increasing a department's storage allocation ans automatically extending storage into new physical media is relatively easy to do.
  • Cloud computing can also go beyond cost savings by allowing users to access the latest software and infrastructure offerings to foster business innovation.
Types of Cloud :

  • Public
  • Private
  • Hybrid
  • Community

Types of Cloud ; From CloudPro

We will see more on cloud types and IaaS , PaaS , SaaS in the next article.

But to conclude here ,the juice in cloud comes from software abstraction layers above the hypervisiors and SAN managers that map application requirements into the actual capabilities of pooled server disks , fibers and cables.

Also, in addition to being self servicing in nature , your application should provide self-serve portal enabling customers to request and schedule computing resources.

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