Thursday 13 September 2012

Software Estimations : Introduction

You may be a good software developer but that doesn't qualify you to be a good estimator.
Software estimations are a totally different part and parcel and they don't have a much link with your development skill.
Estimation is a skill and you need to hone it to be a practioner.

But what's the need to learn software estimations?
The only reason I would say is a failed estimations lead to a failed project. If you want your project to succeed, get good estimators to work.

In these series of articles we will learn:
   Software Estimations : What it is?
   Software Estimations : Whats the need?
   Software Estimations :  Estimates Vs Planning
   Software Estimations :  Communication
   Software Estimations : Factors Influencing them
   Software Estimations : Good vs Bad
   Software Estimations : Creating a good estimate
   Software Estimations : Tips and Tricks
   Software Estimations :  Techniques
   Software Estimations :  Approach based on development methodology
   Software Estimations :  Estimating Schedule , Cost and Work
   Software Estimations :  Estimating Scope
   Software Estimations :  Estimating the phases
   Software Estimations :  Planning and Trade Offs
   Software Estimations :  Quality
   Lets begin our journey into software estimations.

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