Sunday 9 September 2012

What my 15 months old says now

My sweet heart is a all time chatter box. So fond of chatting that in sleep also starts speaking , and now a days he is building his vocabulary ....he has a big collection of words in his book and believe me he picks up everything which he hears...though his words lack a little clarity but the way he uses the mumbbled-crummbled words in correct place and correct sense I am astonished.

Earlier I used to think I have given birth to a genius...after researching I found that most of the kids behave the same way he does. (But still I hold to the fact that my sunny is a genius... :) (mothers will be mothers always....Einhhhhh)

Asu is 15 months , he is able to identify following and also know whats their use.

  1. Book
  2. TV
  3. Fridge
  4. Telephone
  5. Laptop ...he thinks its to be used to hear songs...(WowW)
  6. Bottle
  7. Car
  8. Bicycle
  9. Ball
  10. Glass
  11. Bucket
  12. Tub
  13. Mug
  14. Exhaust fan
  15. Fan
  16. AC (knows how to use it as well)
  17. Remotes ...can differentiate TV remote , AC remote and remote of Set-top box
  18. Light  -He knows fan and lights should be switched off when no one is in room.
  19. Door
  20. Stairs
  21. Shoes
  22. Shoe racks

Asu can identify following fruits and vegetables

  1. Papaya
  2. Banana
  3. Potato
  4. Tomato
  5. Onion
  6. Ginger
  7. Cucumber
  8. Pumpkin...(is afraid of pumpkin)
  9. Carrot
  10. Lady finger
  11. Mango
  12. Apple
  13. Grapes

Asu is able to identify following animals:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Cow
  4. Lion
  5. Tiger
  6. Elephant
  7. Kangaroo
  8. Hippopatamus
Following Birds:
  1. Crow
  2. Pigeon
  3. Ostrich
  4. Robin
  5. Tailor-bird
  6. Owl
  7. Parrot
  8. Hen
  9. Sparrow

Words he speaks now (all are not very clear ....he just tries to speak out)

  1.  pp-lLL-e for apple
  2.  Ba-LL for ball
  3. Caaaa for car
  4. Paaaya for Papaya 
  5. nnnNa for Banana 
  6. Papa for father
  7. Maaa for mother
  8. Mam-Ma for mother(when he wants to get curdling 
  9. Aa-da (Odia word for Grandfather)[This is the first word he said]
  10. Aaaa---eeeeeeee(Odia word for grandmother)
  11. BhaiyaDi (Hindi word for brother and sister , these are actually two separate words)
  12. Hamma-for Cow)
  13. Ca-Ca-for Crow)
  14. sQu -for squirrel)
  15. Umbela- for Umbrella
  16. kKuN - for kangaroo

Speak more dear......

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