Thursday 25 October 2012

The Thing Between You and Me-When life goes filmy

Got this yesterday from justbooks.
Have read just a few pages...haven't got interested into that book deeply yet, but found it good.
Like certain pieces , will write it here.(found some lines very emotional ....)

Money provides you the birthright to laugh - no matter who you are- but if you are poor, the others have the birthright to laugh at you - no matter who you are.


You must have a good start to win the race.


Why do you make easy things complicated?


I never knew exactly how I looked, and I never wanted to know. I just wanted to be a wealthy man.Their money makes them lovable.


"Don't you think that you should stop wasting your time chasing girls?"I asked James as a well-wisher.
"Swami Vivekananda once said ,'wake up and run...and don't stop before you achieve your ultimate aim'.'I will also run until I make hundreds of girlfriends."


Will start reading again and and lines I like before writing the review for it.

Building a simple package in VS 2010

In this blog we will see how to create a vsix in visual studio 2010.
VSIX is visual studio package file that conforms to the ECMA Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) standard.
You create a.vsix file when you create a project using visual studio package.

Since, it’s just a wizard .It becomes very easy to follow:
Packages are nothing but strongly named assemblies. Class libraries need to be signed with a key.
You can choose the language in which you want to create this package. Also,the wizard gives you the option either to use your own key file to sign, else you can create a new key file.(Whether it’s an existing key or a new key , you will find the key related info key.snk file in the solution.)
 Next,Wizard asks you for your basic informations like comapny name , logo , package name etc , the information from this page will be used in creating an about box.


You can change data here. We will discuss on the vsix versioning in the third blog in this series.
Next , the wizard asks you for package options. I selected menu command and clicked next.
If you want you can go with Tool Window or a custom editor as well.


The wizard asks you for a few more details on menu command to create , like the name you want to see and the id this particulat item will have.


In the final step you are asked if you need automated unit test cases and integration test cases to be created.

Clicking on Finish creates the solution for you. And Yolla! Your first package is created.

We will look at the Solution structure created in the next blog.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Relational Database Design : Tables and Keys

In this article we will discuss some of the ground rules that we need to keep in mind while we design a relational database.
Some of these rules are copied from various sites , some are from database books, some experience and many from various white papers.

These rules are my preffered rules.
As my experience is in SQL server side , so some of the rules may not be applicable if you are designing for Oracle/Db2 or any other web sites.

Table & Keys:

Rule 1: Each table should represent one  and only one thing.For example, it might be a customer, an inventory item, or an invoice
Rule 2:The relational model dictates that each row in a table be unique. There should be no redundancy of data in the table, neither row-wise nor column- wise.

Rule 3:Each table can have only one primary key, even though several columns or combination of columns may contain unique values.

A little on Keys:
  • All columns (or combination of columns) in a table with unique values are referred to as candidate keys, from which the primary key must be drawn.
  • All other candidate key columns are referred to as alternate keys. Keys can be simple or composite.
  •  A simple key is a key made up of one column, whereas a composite key is made up of two or more columns.
  • Primary keys become essential, however, when you start to create relationships that join together multiple tables in a database.
  • A foreign key is a column in a table used to reference a primary key in another table
  • Domains are simply pools of values from which columns are drawn.
Rule 4: A primary key should stable ( it should not get changed prgrammaticaly) , simple and familiar.

Rule 5:Whenever you think the database is going to increase to a very big size use BigInts. When considering database security and HIPPA regulations you may use GUID columns as primary key.

Rule 6: Never use real numbers as primary keys since they are inexact.

Rule 7: Never use a text column to be a primary key.Spelling and name changes may create problems. Also, performance wise it is better to use a int/bigint column as primary key.

Rule 8 : Try not to add a lot of columns to the table , the wider the table the slower the performance.

Rule 9 : When denormalizing have a good reason for denormalization.
First fully normalize the database (to Third Normal Form or higher) and then denormalize only if it becomes necessary for reasons of performance.

Rule 10 : Try to keep Date columns as DateTime and not varchar.

Rule 11: Write SQL keyword in capital letters for readability purpose.
Next we will look at Clusterd and non-clustered index requirements.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

12 Common Project Management Mistakes--and How to Avoid Them

A very nice article, I think most of it is based on common mistakes that we face practically.Solutions provided also are practical and can be implemented.

In beief:
Project Management Mistake No. 1: Not Assigning the Right Person to Manage the Project

Project Management Mistake No. 2: Failing to Get Everyone on the Team Behind the Project

Project Management Mistake No. 3: Not Getting Executive Buy-in

Project Management Mistake No. 4: Putting Too Many Projects Into Production at Once.

Project Management Mistake No. 5: Lack of (Regular) Communication/Meetings

Project Management Mistake No. 6: Not Being Specific Enough with the Scope/Allowing the Scope to Frequently Change

Project Management Mistake No. 7: Providing Aggressive/Overly Optimistic Timelines.

Project Management Mistake No. 8: Not Being Flexible.

Project Management Mistake No. 9: Not Having a System in Place for Approving and Tracking Changes

Project Management Mistake No. 10: Micromanaging Projects

Project Management Mistake No. 11: Expecting Software to Solve All Your Project Management Issues.

Project Management Mistake No. 12: Not Having a Metric for Defining Success


Friday 5 October 2012

Thought of the day : Day 5

Pretending is the fastest way to believing and believing is the fastest way to receiving