Wednesday 10 October 2012

12 Common Project Management Mistakes--and How to Avoid Them

A very nice article, I think most of it is based on common mistakes that we face practically.Solutions provided also are practical and can be implemented.

In beief:
Project Management Mistake No. 1: Not Assigning the Right Person to Manage the Project

Project Management Mistake No. 2: Failing to Get Everyone on the Team Behind the Project

Project Management Mistake No. 3: Not Getting Executive Buy-in

Project Management Mistake No. 4: Putting Too Many Projects Into Production at Once.

Project Management Mistake No. 5: Lack of (Regular) Communication/Meetings

Project Management Mistake No. 6: Not Being Specific Enough with the Scope/Allowing the Scope to Frequently Change

Project Management Mistake No. 7: Providing Aggressive/Overly Optimistic Timelines.

Project Management Mistake No. 8: Not Being Flexible.

Project Management Mistake No. 9: Not Having a System in Place for Approving and Tracking Changes

Project Management Mistake No. 10: Micromanaging Projects

Project Management Mistake No. 11: Expecting Software to Solve All Your Project Management Issues.

Project Management Mistake No. 12: Not Having a Metric for Defining Success


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