Wednesday 12 December 2012


What a nice dress, I say.
What a nice dress, you say.
That perfect top! I shouted.
That perfect top! You shouted.

Great minds think alike?
Or is it a simple fight?
Copycat, copy cat
Go home and chase that rat.

Who is copying whom?? Grand-pa copying sunny dear or was it Asu posing in Grand-pa's style.
I am not sure!!!
But when I tried to pose with them , little Asu chased me out shouting ....'Maaa....Jaaa' (Mother go out) , and When Papa tried to come out of screen so that we can take a single snap of Asu in his trade mark 'Vivekananda Style' he started crying and pulled papa saying...'Aaaja...Come' ( Come grandpa)

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