Wednesday 18 July 2012


  1. How do you make sure that your code can handle different kinds of error situations?
  2. Can you explain what Test-Driven Development is? Can you name some principles of Extreme Programming?
  3. What do you care about most when reviewing somebody else's code?
  4. When do you use an abstract class and when do you use an interface?
  5. Apart from the IDE, which other favorite tools do you use that you think are essential to you?
  6. How do you make sure that your code is both safe and fast?
  7. When do you use polymorphism and when do you use delegates?
  8. When would you use a class with static members and when would you use a Singleton class?
  9. Can you name examples of anticipating changing requirements in your code?
  10. Can you describe the process you use for writing a piece of code, from requirements to delivery?

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