Wednesday 2 January 2013

App Contract : Windows 8

What is app contract?

According to msdn:
A contract is like an agreement between one or more apps. Contracts define the requirements that apps must meet to participate in these unique Windows interactions.
In simple words contract is a way how a windows 8 app interacts with other Windows 8 apps on the OS.

Why do we need contracts?

Suppose I have two apps , app 1 and app 2 , app 1 needs the information from app 2 . In this case we need a contract.

Contracts existed earlier?

 Yes , search , clipboard etc. are some applications which have been using the same concept as of contracts from very long.

What are the various app contracts in Windows 8

Windows 8 provides following application contracts:
  • File Open Picker contract
  • File Save Picker contract
  • Play To contract
  • Search contract
  • Settings contract
  • Share contract
  • Cached File Updater contract

File Open Picker Contract

 Use file open picker contract when you are
  •   Selecting a file
  •   Saving a file
  •   Updating a file
Class that is used for this is : FileOpenPicker class

File Save Picker contract


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