Tuesday 22 January 2013

Windows 8 Apps : Guidelines

Recently we are trying to push a few of our apps on to windows 8 app store. Before we push the apps the store the app needs to undergo some basic guideline checks.

Microsoft team definitely does those checks , but you can also ensure that your app adheres to all the guidelines set across. To do this we follow a two step process.

Step 1: Run certification kit on your app.

Step 2: Ensure that your app adheres to all the Windows store guidelines set at msdn.

I have captured them here for my reference. You too can use this.

You can also download the document from gdocs.

Category Guidance A few facts
Windows Store apps provide value to the customer Your app must offer customers unique, creative value or utility in all the languages and markets that it supports  
Your app must be fully functional when the customer gets it from the Windows Store
Your app’s trial functionality must reasonably resemble its full functionality
Each app must display only one tile after it is installed
Windows Store apps can display ads but are more than just ads or websites Your app must not display only ads  
Ads in your apps must comply with our content policies
Your app must not use its description, tiles, notifications, app bar, or the swipe-from-edge interactions to display ads
The primary experiences your app provides must take place within the app
Ads must not execute program code that didn't come from the ad provider
Windows Store apps behave predictably You must use only the Windows Runtime APIs to implement the features of your Windows Store app
Your app must not stop responding, end unexpectedly, or contain programming errors
 Your app must provide the same user experience on all processor types that it supports
Updates must not decrease your app’s functionality in a way that would be unexpected to a reasonable customer
Your app must fully support touch input, and fully support keyboard and mouse input
 Your app must use the mechanisms provided by the system for those features that have them
Your app must meet the basic performance criteria on a low-power computer The app must launch in 5 seconds or less

The app must suspend in 2 seconds or less
All app logic must originate from, and reside in, your app package  
Direct3D apps must support a minimum feature level
If your app contains Windows Runtime components, they must conform to the Windows Runtime type system Must be located in the package file with the longest namespace-matching name.
Must be the only types with public visibility in a Windows Metadata (.winmd) file.
Must have a unique, case insensitive name.
Must not be located in the Windows or global namespace. 
Must have public visibility unless the type is an interface marked as exclusive to a specific runtime class.
Must be sealed unless the type is a runtime class marked as composable.
Must compose an unsealed system class, if the type is a composable runtime class.
Must not include write-only properties.
Must not implement interfaces that are marked as exclusive to another class.
Must not be generic or parameterized.
Must not define methods that overload operators.
Must not change signature or parameter names between interface and runtime method declarations.
Must not include default values for method parameters.
Must not include property getters that take input parameters.
Must not include property setters that take more than the single set value parameter.
Must not define factory methods with additional out parameters beyond the return value.
Must not use IReferenceArray<T> or IReference<string> as a parameter type.
Must not use the signed byte fundamental type. 
Must define enums with an underlying type of Int32 or UInt32 only.
Must apply the FlagsAttribute to UInt32 enums.
Must not apply the FlagsAttribute to Int32 enums.
Windows Store apps put the customer in control Your app must comply with the following privacy-related requirements:  
 Your app must have a privacy statement if it is network-capable
 Your app must obtain opt-in or equivalent consent to share personal information
Your app must respect system settings for notifications and remain functional when they are disabled
Your app must not jeopardize or compromise the security or functionality of the Windows system
Your app must not be designed or marketed to perform, instruct, or encourage tasks that could cause physical harm to a customer or any other person
Your app must protect customers from unintentional large data transfers over metered networks
Your app must comply with Windows Push Notification Service (WNS) requirements if it uses WNS notifications You may only use WNS for apps distributed through the Windows Store. Notifications provided through WNS are considered app content and are subject to all Windows Store app policies, including the certification requirements.
Your app must be associated with only one Package Security Identifier.
You may not obscure or try to disguise the source of any WNS message or Package Security Identifier, or other unique referral identifier.
You may not include in a notification any info a customer would reasonably consider to be confidential or sensitive.
Your app must not use excessive network capacity or WNS bandwidth, or otherwise unduly burden the Windows system with WNS notifications. For example, using WNS to stream content or transfer files violates this requirement.
If you use a commerce transaction provider other than the Store's, you must identify the provider at the time of the transaction or whenever you collect any payment information from the customer  
 Your app must prompt the user for authentication to allow a commerce transaction to be accomplished. 
If your app collects credit card info or uses a third-party payment processor that collects credit card info, the payment processing must meet the current PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Windows apps are appropriate for a global audience Your app must conform to our content and age rating guidelines, and metadata must be appropriate for everyone
Your app must not contain content that advocates discrimination, hatred, or violence based on membership in a particular racial, ethnic, national, linguistic, religious, or other social group, or based on a person’s gender, age, or sexual orientation

Your app must not contain content or functionality that encourages, facilitates or glamorizes illegal activity in the real world

Your app must not contain or display content that a reasonable person would consider to be obscene or pornographic

Your app must not contain content that is defamatory, libelous or slanderous, or threatening
Your app must not contain content that facilitates or glamorizes excessive or irresponsible use of alcohol or tobacco products, drugs or weapons
Your app must not contain content that facilitates or glamorizes extreme or gratuitous violence, human rights violations, or the creation or illegal use of weapons against a person or animal in the real world
Your app must not contain excessive or gratuitous profanity
Windows Store apps are easily identified and understood Your app must have a unique name
Your app must have a Windows age rating, and you must submit third-party ratings for your app if you have them
You must provide technical support info for your app
 You must list your app in at least one of the Windows Store's geographic markets
 You must list your app in at least one of the Windows Store's geographic markets
The capabilities you declare must relate to the core functions and value proposition of your Windows Store app, and the use of those declarations must be compliant with our app capability declarations
You must describe any changes to your app when you submit an update to the Store
You must provide localized screenshots of your app for each language your app supports
Your Windows Store app’s packages must have a correct app manifest
Your Windows Store app’s packages must be correctly formatted
The app's category and subcategory must correspond to the character or purpose of your app
Desktop apps must follow additional requirements The purchase page link provided for your app must send users to a location where they can directly download the app, and must not lead users to another intermediary site or a site that spoofs the purchase page
The information you provide to the Store about your app must match the information used on the purchase page for that app. That includes your app or company logo, the app name, price and major and minor version numbers

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