Sunday 27 January 2013

How to add double quotes in a string

Often we face situations where we need to add double quotes in a string.

In C# following is the way I have found out to add double quotes to a string.

1. Add escape characters to string by doubling them (verbatim string literal):

var str = @"""doublequotes""";
var string1 = @"firstpart ""part in quotes"" laterpart";

2. Add a normal string literal you escape them with a \:

string str = "\"doublequotes\"";
var string2 = "firstpart\"part in quotes\" laterpart";

When working on , you can try following.

  string title = string.Format("<div>\"{0}\"</div>", "text to be filled");

You can also use: 

<div>&dquo;"+ title +@"&dquo;</div>

or escape the double quote
<div>\""+ title +@"\"</div>

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