Saturday 26 January 2013

Windows Azure with database other than SQL Server

There are many application which are in but use the database as Oracle / MySQL. How to convert these applications into a Azure cloud hosted application.

Option 1 : Write a completely new application for Azure cloud , also change the database from Oracle/MySQL or other to a SQL database on cloud.

Option 2: Port the app on Azure and  change the database from Oracle/MySQL or other to a SQL database on cloud.

Option 3 : Port the app on Azure and keep the database as is as an on-premise database.

Now , I will vote for option 3.

I will try to explain this with the following architecture solution.

We have the db as Orcale/My SQL which is present as an on-premise database , now create an ADO.Net entity Model for the database , create a WCF data service to connect to the database , host the WCF service on-premise. Port your application on Azure cloud and connect to the server which is hosting the WCF service using a service bus.

In case you want to know the solution in detail or want me to help you architecting your solution , write to me at


  1. Such a useful blog for user...if MS cloud will be integrate with Oracle then it can be helpful for both customer and techies

  2. Thanks Deepu for your feedback.
