Monday 28 January 2013

WPF Application Types

Following are the various WPF windows possible in .Net 4.5

WPF Window
Standard Windows Application which is normally the same old style Stand alone or some time we say Desktop based application.
WPF page
Kind of the Web type application. The behavior is some what as the Wizard Type of application where you can navigate between the windows and perform the task.
WPF User Control
User controls can contain other controls, resources, and animation timelines, just like a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. The only difference is that the root element is a UserControl instead of a Window or a Page
WPF Resource Dictionary
In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), the ResourceDictionary class is typically an implicit collection element that is the object element value of several Resources properties, when given in property element syntax.
One reason to use resources in your applications is to promote object reuse across your application. Object reuse provides consistency across the application. Object reuse also makes it very easy to change the application; since you only need to change the resources and all consumers will pick up the change.
WPF Custom Control
These are reusable type of application specific controls that are not present by default in the WPF user controls.
WPF Flow Document
This is the window to hold flow documents, for example pdf
WPF Page Function
PageFunction in a page = Dialog box in desktop application (without Page).
You can use a PageFunction every time you use a dialog box in a desktop application and that you want to develop a webnavigation-like behavior to your program.

WPF Splash Screen
Splash screen type of window.

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