Monday 27 August 2012

Lessons from life and from Project - part 1

8 years...2920 days...70080 hours...4204800 minutes
I have breathed software engineering. It taught me a lot about software,hardware,networking , still more about project management , lot about leadership, has honed my soft skills and increased my understanding about life.

The biggest lesson that I learnt is we need to strike off certain words from our lives. Only when you rub these words off the board you see the light , you see SUCCESS.
And one of these words is....failure.

There is one and only one option SUCCESS.There is nothing called failure. Rather there is no option called failure.
excerpt from book Information Technology Project Management by Kathe Schwalbe

Won't Utter Failure , Won't See Failure , Won't Hear Failure.

Recently I read an article called Failure is not an option.
I am reiterating a few lines from this article:

Two important things that seem to be true of every successful start-up.
1. There is no hard and fast rule about what you need to do to be successful.  It is generally a mix of hard work, opportunity, and a touch of good luck.
2. Failure always begins with the words “I will try to…” 
But at some point in the history of every successful company, the word “try” just seems to disappear.  
I’ve been using that word “trying” for years to mean that I will eventually get there; that I’m a humble man and it’s not right to be too confident; and that only a crazy person can be so certain of a result.  But the word itself has connotations of failure.  The word “try” suggests that failure may be an option.  It suggests that excuses may be imminent.  It implies that once the circumstances change, I no longer am responsible for the outcome.  However, not using the word “try” doesn’t imply certainty of success, it implies certainty of action

I will echo the words of Thomas Edison, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. “
Find your ways that work but eliminating the ways that won't work.
Good Bless and Good night.

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