Monday 20 August 2012

Tips: A successful Project Manager

Way back in school days (primary school), everytime before the english exams my mom used to make me write an essay on discipline.
I started writing on disciplinr right from when I was in the 2nd grade. Unknowlingly writing those essays helped me embibe discipline all through my student life.When joined my first job , I don't know why but during the 3rd year of my career in IT I felt for first time that life was completely controlling me.I had no control on anything at all.
When I got married (thanks to my hubby) I found my life back.His Discipline got me disciplined and I am back to action.

Lack of disicipline is the cause of failure in people, families, careers, and business than everything else combined.Ultimately, all discipline must be self discipline. Nothing else will have any real lasting benefit.We must learn to discipline ourselves to do what we nedd to do, when we need to do it, whether we feel like it or not…

How can discipline help us in successful project management I read a few tips at
I am listing them here:

- Plan the next work week's activities a day or two ahead of time.
- Confirm activities the day before
- Conduct daily reviews of what you did or didn't accomplish
- Follow through on your commitments
- Avoid time-wasters, such as unrelated conversations
- Practice staying within the time allotted to the meetings, tasks and activities
- Hold yourself accountable for your own deliverables by using a daily tracker document
- Communicate with stakeholders and sponsors regularly, regardless of the results
Happened to read following at

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