Friday 31 August 2012

WCF : Notes 2 Service class

Implementing a Service Class

A service class is a class like any other, but it has a few additions. These additions allow the class’s creator to define one or more contracts that this class implements. Each service class implements at least one service contract, which defines the operations this service exposes. The class might also provide an explicit data contract, which defines the data those operations convey.

Defining Service Contracts

·         Every service class implements methods for its clients to use. The creator of the class determines which of its methods are exposed as client-callable operations by specifying that they are part of some service contract. To do this, a developer uses the WCF-defined attribute ServiceContract. In fact, a service class is just a class that either is itself marked with the ServiceContract attribute or implements an interface marked with this attribute. 
·         Namespace used here is using System.ServiceModel;

        Class should be decorated as [ServiceContract] attribute

using System.ServiceModel;
class RentalReservations

       Each method in a service class that can be invoked by a client must be marked with another attribute named OperationContract. All the methods in a service class that are preceded by the OperationContract attribute are automatically exposed by WCF as services.
class RentalReservations
   public bool Check(int vehicleClass, int location,
                     string dates)
      bool availability;
      // code to check availability goes here
      return availability;

      Any methods in a service class that aren’t marked with OperationContract aren’t included in the service contract, and so can’t be called by clients of this WCF service.
·         It’s better to specify service contracts explicitly using a language’s interface type. class might look like this:

using System.ServiceModel;
interface IReservations
   bool Check(int vehicleClass, int location, string dates);
class RentalReservations : IReservations
   public bool Check(int vehicleClass, int location,
                     string dates)
     bool availability;
     // logic to check availability goes here
     return availability;

            Using explicit interfaces like this is slightly more complicated, but it allows more flexibility. For example, a class can implement more than one interface, which means that it can also implement more than one service contract. By exposing multiple endpoints, each with a different service contract, a service class can present different groups of services to different clients.
·         Marking a class or interface with ServiceContract and one or more of its methods with OperationContract also allows automatically generating service contract definitions in WSDL. Accordingly, the externally visible definition of every WCF service contract can be accessed as a standard WSDL document specifying the operations in that contract. This style of development, commonly called code-first, allows creating a standard interface definition directly from types defined in programming languages such as C# or Visual Basic.
·         An alternative approach is contract-first development, an option that WCF also supports. In this case, a developer typically starts with a WSDL document describing the interface (i.e., the contract) that a service class must implement. Using a tool called svcutil, the developer can generate a skeleton service class directly from a WSDL definition.

Defining Data Contracts

·         A WCF service class specifies a service contract defining which of its methods are exposed to clients of that service. Each of those operations will typically convey some data, which means that a service contract also implies some kind of data contract describing the information that will be exchanged. In some cases, this data contract is defined implicitly as part of the service contract.
·          For services where every operation uses only simple types, it makes sense to define the data aspects of their contract implicitly within the service contract. There’s no need for anything else.
·         But services can also have parameters of more complex types, such as structures. In cases like this, an explicit data contract is required. Data contracts define how in-memory types are converted to a form suitable for transmission across the wire, a process known as serialization. In effect, data contracts are a mechanism for controlling how data is serialized.
·         In a WCF service class, a data contract is defined using the DataContract attribute. A class, structure, or other type marked with DataContract can have one or more of its members preceded by the DataMember attribute, indicating that this member should be included in a serialized value of this type. 

using System.Runtime.Serialization;
struct ReservationInfo {
   [DataMember] public int vehicleClass;
   [DataMember] public int location;
   [DataMember] public string dates;

            Nothing becomes part of either a service contract or a data contract by default. Instead, a developer must explicitly use the ServiceContract and DataContract attributes to indicate which types have WCF-defined contracts, and then explicitly specify which parts of those types are exposed to clients of this service using the OperationContract and DataMember attributes. One of WCF’s design tenets was that services should have explicit boundaries, so WCF is an opt-in technology. Everything a service makes available to its clients is expressly specified in the code.

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