Tuesday 28 August 2012

Windows Azure: Getting Weird Error

When trying to delete my storage account from the new azure portal getting a weird error .

"Storage account xxxxxx  has 1 container(s) which have an active image and/or disk artifacts. Ensure those artifacts are removed from the image repository before deleting this storage account."

When did this happen?
I created a Virtual Machine.
Used it.
Deleted the VM.
Trying to delete storage and OOOPsss....

Getting error

Not sure whats wrong....

Let me check.

Vollaaaaaa....got the answer....

Need to delete disks from my server....

Now now my storage got deleted....wow...

But why dis it happen???
I deleted VM, but the deletion kept the orpaned disk and as the preview portal has hided the details. I was going bang....bang...

Now all resolved.
But need to open a support ticket so that in next release this bug is resolved.

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