Thursday 30 August 2012

WPF Architecture

WPF is built of three layers:


Managed Layer

·         PresentationFramework.dll -: defines the layout etc
·         PresenationCore.dll : defines the control
·         WindowsBase.dll : defines the events, dispatcher , dependency properties
Layer 2
Unmanaged layer
·         Milcore.dll : Media Integration Library core , manages animation , videos etc
·         WindowsCodecs: manages the vector UI
Layer 3
Core API
·         Direct3D
·         User32
·         GDI

What is dispatcher and thread affinity in WPF?

When a windows application is loaded on the screen each control is handled using a win 32 handler.
Win32 Handle is very important for any Win32 applications. For every Win32 apps, Kernel maintains a Table which has entries to identify a memory address. A HANDLE is actually a DWORD (32 bit integer) which maps the memory address on the table. So if you get a HANDLE, you can easily locate the memory address it points to.  Each object that you have in Windows (like windows, buttons, mouse pointers, icon, menu, bitmap etc) has entries in the table and the object is traced using both internally by windows or by programs using those HANDLEs. Even though it is just an unsigned integer value, you should not edit the value, otherwise the HANDLE could not be used to point the object anymore.
WPF window is made up of two parts.

1.       Window area which is made up of Operating System Window
2.      Non - Window area which is inside a WPF window
WPF window has only one window handle (HWND) and each other controls are actually placed as content to the window and does not have any entry on Kernel table(no HWND) except of course Popup class in WPF. In this post I will try to cover the basis of HWND (for those of you who don't know) and later go on with what are the changes of it with WPF environment.
When WPF application starts, it actually creates two threads automatically. One is Rendering Thread, which is hidden from the programmer, so you cannot use the rendering thread directly from your program; while the other is Dispatcher Thread, which actually holds all the UI elements. So in other words, you might say Dispatcher is actually the UI thread which ties all the elements created within the WPF application. Conversely, WPF requires all the UI elements to be tied with Dispatcher thread, this is called Thread Affinity. 
Dispatcher is a class that handles thread affinity. It is actually a prioritized message loop through which all elements are channeled through. Every UIElement is derived from DispatcherObject which defines a property called Dispatcher which points to the UI thread. Thus from any other thread, if you want to invoke or access UI component, you need to Invoke using Dispatcher thread. DispatcherObject actually has two chief duties, to check and verify if the thread has access to the object.

Routed Events:

A routed event is an event that can invoke handlers in multiple listeners in an element tree , rather than the object who initially raised the event.
 In WPF, a typical example of control's hierarchy is root level Window object, than Grid object and then the other controls which are resides on Grid Control.

The concept of Routed Events comes into the picture when we want to handle an event, that is originated from some other control in the hierarchy.  Say for example if any user clicks the Button control, that event which is normally a Button_click event, can be raised by The Button, The Label, The Gird or The Window.

Types of Routed Events:

·         Direct Events
·         Bubbling Events
·         Tunneling Events
1.  Direct Events: Direct Events are very well known to .NET people who has worked on standard .NET controls.  A direct event gets raised by the control itself.  Say for example Button_click event which got raised by the Button control itself.
2.  Bubbling Events: Bubbling events are first raised by the control and then are raised by the controls in that control's hierarchy.  Taking our Button control example, If Button is clicked, first it will raise Button_click event, then the Grid event and at last the Window Event.
The below picture will clear all your doubts:

3.  Tunneling Events: The Tunneling Events are the opposite of the bubbling events as they are raised first by the root element in the hierarchy and then by the child elements.  Same as our previous example, First Window event will get raised, followed by the Grid Event and at last the Button_click event.

Dependency Objects:

Every WPF control is derived from DependencyObject. DependencyObject is a class that supportsDependencyProperty, a property system that is newly built in WPF.
A dependency property essentially means a property in one class can be used in other class.
For example the properties top and bottom are not defined in rectangle class but they can be used in rectangle class as

 Every object is derived fromDependencyObject and hence it can associate itself in various inbuilt features of WPF like EventTriggers,PropertyBindings, Animations, etc.
Every DependencyObject actually has an Observer or a List and declares 3 methods called ClearValue,SetValue and GetValue which are used to add/edit/remove those properties. Thus the DependencyPropertywill only create itself when you use SetValue to store something.

Difference between CLR properties and Dependency Properties

CLR property Syntax

private int count;
public int Count
      return count;
      count = value;

Dependency property syntax

//Registering Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty PageSizeProperty =
typeof(int), typeof(AttachedPropertySample),
             new PropertyMetadata(25,
             new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPageSizePropertyChanged)));

//PageSize property declaration
public int PageSize
        return (int) GetValue(PageSizeProperty);
        SetValue(PageSizeProperty, value);

Major features of Dependency Properties are
·         Value Resolution
CLR property reads value directly from private member while dependency property dynamically resolves value when you call GetValue() method of dependency property. The GetValue and SetValue methods are inherited fromDependency Object. You can read more about Dependency Property here.

·         In Built Change Notification
Dependency provides change notification when its value has been changed. You can specify Call Back while registering dependency property so user will get notification. This is mainly used in Data Binding.

·         Value Inheritance
If you specify dependency property to top element it will inherited to all child elements until child element specifically override the property. Dependency property value is resolved at runtime when you call GetValue() method. 

Attached Events

The XAML language also defines a special type of event called an attached event. An attached event enables you to add a handler for a particular event to an arbitrary element. The element handling the event need not define or inherit the attached event, and neither the object potentially raising the event nor the destination handling instance must define or otherwise "own" that event as a class member.
The WPF input system uses attached events extensively. However, nearly all of these attached events are forwarded through base elements.

Object Hierarchy

There are quite a few objects in any WPF control. Let's discuss one by one as in the figure. (The abstract class is marked in ellipse while concrete class in Rectangles) 

  • ·         DispatcherObject: Mother of all WPF controls which takes care of UI thread
  • ·         DependencyObject: Builds the Observer for Dependency Properties
  • ·         Visual: Links between managed libraries and milcore
  • ·         UIElement: Adds supports for WPF features like layout, input, events, etc.
  • ·         FrameworkElement: Implementation of UIElement
  • ·         Shape: Base class of all the Basic Shapes
  • ·         Control: The UI elements that interact with the user. They can be Templated to change look.
  • ·         ContentControl: Baseclass of all controls that have single content
  • ·         ItemsControl: Baseclass for all controls that show a collection
  • ·         Panel: Baseclass of all panels which show one or more controls within it

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice description about wpf architecture.Thanks for your support....

