Tuesday 28 August 2012

Software Requirements- part I

To develop and deliver a good software, understanding requirements is very important.
Here I will try to give a very brief idea on requirements.
So to start with :
What is a requirement?
In simple english , requirements are nothing but description or specification of a system.
A system can be anything , a 'table', a 'chair' or a 'software'.
If I am told to create a table , but I don't know where the table will be used , I might end up creating a very beautiful glass top , oval dinning table when the user wants a very simple , square shaped , firm , wooden study table.Similar is the case with software , I might end up developing a automated travel booking system when I was expected to create a complete software to help user book holiday packages.
So, it is very important to understand the business needs , the functional and the non-functional requirements of software you are going to create.
Here we have introduced three terms: Business needs, functional requirements; non- functional requirements. So what are these?
Business requirements: These generally define those characters that can enhance the business value of a product/software.
Functional requirements : These are the general functionality(behaviour) which the product/software being developed should possess.
Non-functional requirements :Non-functional requirements are characteristics that judge the behaviour(functional) requirements of the product/software.

Functional Requirements:
Functional requirements are general statements of services the system should provide.
A functional requirement is stated by a definite(or set of definite) input(s), a definite behaviour and an expected output.

Functional requirements define 'What' a system should do.
examples of functional requirements(for a banking software) :
1. Logging into a system
2. Transffering Money
3. Issueing e-checks
4. Viewing statements
5. Logging out of the system.
Non-functional requirements:
These are characteristics or behaviour of a system.
Non-functional requirements support the functional requirements.They define How a system should work.These are the behavioural attribute, quality attribute or constraints on a system.
examples of non-functional requirements:
1. Usability
2. Testability
3. Maintainability
4. Scalabilty
5. Performance
6. Security
7. Availability
8. Auditability
9. Licensing
10. Extensility
12. interoperability
14. stability
15.Quality etc.
Business Requirements:Business requirements are too typical to a particular client.
These requirements generally run over business rules , metadata etc.
For example : Calculation of a interest over a particular loan may vary based different clients.
Business requirements at time also cover the ToM(Time to Market) and TCO (Total cost of ownership.)
Question:Can you tell if Installability ,Synchronization, help files are functional, non-functional or behavioural requirements?Justify your answer.
Installability :In my view installability is a non-functional requirement.
Reason : installability basically says on which platforms application can be installed.
Synchronization:I will classify synchronization as a functional requirement .

Help :Help again is a part of documentation and training , which comes as a non-functional requirement.
Characteristics of good requirement:
Following are characteristics of a good requirement, I call it 5C-OF-UMV.
1. Correct
2. Complete
4.Cohesive - One requirement should only speak about itself.
5. Complete
6. Observable - Requirement is observable if no assumption with internal logic/architecture are stated.
9.Mandatory : In absence of the requirement product/software is unacceptable unless stated otherwise.
10. Verfiable
Who should define requirements?
Ideally requirements should be defined by all stakeholders for a product including beneficiaries and customers.
Who should know the requirement?
Ideally whoever is directly or indirectly linked to a particular product/software being developed , ranging from Product Manager, Project Manager , to developers and testers everyone should have a clear picture of what is expected out of a product.
Does requirement change?
Generally high- level requirements do not change, they remain same from start of a product till the product is in market but at times the features for some of the requirements might change.
For example , if my requirement is a software which does arithmetic calculations for me is my requirement. My requirement may change from a basic calculator to a scientific calculator but my base statement of requirement of a calculator hardly changes.

In this article I tried to explain the very basic things about requirements , in next article we will see requirements in further details.

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